TL431 Calculator

TL431 Calculator

TL431 Calculator – Formula and Usage Instructions


This tool helps you calculate the output voltage, current, and power dissipation of the TL431 adjustable voltage shunt regulator IC based on your input voltage and external resistors. The calculation also accounts for the series resistor Rseries that connects between the input voltage and the cathode of the TL431.

How to Use:

  1. Input Voltage (V): Enter the input voltage Vin in volts (V). This voltage is applied to the anode of the TL431.
  2. Resistor R1 (kΩ): Enter the value of resistor R1 in kilo Ohms (kΩ). This resistor is connected between the input voltage and the reference voltage (Vref) pin of the TL431.
  3. Resistor R2 (kΩ): Enter the value of resistor R2 in kilo Ohms (kΩ). This resistor is connected between the reference voltage (Vref) pin of the TL431 and the cathode pin.
  4. Series Resistor Rseries (kΩ): Enter the value of the series resistor Rseries in kilo Ohms (kΩ). This resistor is placed between the input voltage and the cathode of the TL431 to limit the current through the TL431. It is crucial to select a proper value to avoid exceeding the TL431’s current limit.

How It Works:

The TL431 is a shunt regulator, and the output voltage is determined by the ratio of the resistors R1 and R2. The TL431 regulates the voltage at its reference pin to approximately 2.495V.

Formulas Used in the Calculation:

  • Voltage at the Junction of R1 and R2: Vjunction = Vin × (R2 / (R1 + R2))
  • Calculated Output Voltage Vout:
    • If Vjunction ≥ Vref (TL431 shunt regulator behavior): Vout = Vref × (1 + (R1 / R2))
    • If Vjunction < Vref (Including series resistor Rseries): Vout = Vin × (R2 / (R1 + R2 + Rseries))
  • Maximum Output Current: Iout = (Vin – Vout) / Rseries
  • Power Dissipated in Rseries: PRseries = Iout² × Rseries

TL431 Current Limit:

The maximum output current for the TL431 is 100 mA (0.1 A). If the calculated output current exceeds this limit, the tool will show an error and provide a suggestion to adjust the Rseries value accordingly. Please check the maximum limit for your chosen variant of TL431 in respective datasheet.

Recommendation for Rseries:

To ensure the TL431 operates within its limits, it is important to choose a series resistor Rseries that limits the current to below the maximum allowable current (100 mA). You can adjust Rseries to prevent excessive current flow and avoid damaging the TL431.